Welcome to IDF’s documentation!
Developer: Felix Fauer (felix.fauer@met.fu-berlin.de) ClimXtreme B2.5- IDF-AF
IDF is a freva plugin that creates Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Extreme Precipitation Events based on the IDF
R package developed at FUB.
It analyses daily precipitation station files. Specific events can be plotted into the IDF curves and their average return period is calculated.
The meaning of the d-GEV parameters Duration Offset, Multiscaling and Intensity Offset is explained in detail in Fauer et al. (2021). To summarize it briefely, when using sub-hourly data, the parameter duration-offset should be enabled, as well as intensity-offset. Multiscaling should be enabled, when the focus lies on long durations and can be disabled otherwise.
“Bootstrap given” gives the possibility to load bootstrap results from a former run to save time. This makes sense only, when data and model (including choice of parameters) does not change.
Further publications that are based on the IDF package are Ulrich et al. (2020), Ulrich et al. (2022) and Fauer et al. (2023)
Fauer, F. S., Ulrich, J., Jurado, O. E., and Rust, H. W.: Flexible and consistent quantile estimation for intensity–duration–frequency curves, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 6479–6494, [https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-6479-2021], 2021
Ulrich J., Jurado O. E., Peter M., Scheibel M., Rust H. W. Estimating IDF Curves Consistently over Durations with Spatial Covariates. Water. 2020; 12(11):3119. [https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113119]
Ulrich, J., Fauer, F. S., and Rust, H. W.: Modeling seasonal variations of extreme rainfall on different timescales in Germany, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 6133–6149, [https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-6133-2021], 2021
Fauer, F. S., Rust, H. W. Non-Stationary Large-Scale Statistics of Precipitation Extremes in Central Europe, 05 February 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2542862/v1]
bootstapping and uncertainty is added (can be disabled)
the bootstrapping results are stored and can be loaded in another run to save time (when the model stays the same)
IDF Figures are improved
a figure with the distribution density is added
one can select a specific event and add it to the plot to see its return period. By default, the maximum recorded event is used.
the most important data are stored in an “rds” file. That is an R-specific format. The Program’s output lists its path after “- store results in data fromat in: [Path]”
First working plugin example:
creation of conda environment for dependencies and libraries of the plugin.
adaptation of wrapper file for new Freva version.
NOTE: at the moment it only works either with 1 explicitely entered file in InputDirectory
or 1 station file from the Databrowser (product=station
To install the conda environment with the necessary libraries to run the plugin:
first you need to have load
first, by for example loading a Freva module:
$ module load clint xces
git clone
and create the conda environment:
$ git clone https://gitlab.dkrz.de/freva/plugins4freva/idf.git
$ cd idf
$ make conda
This it will create the conda environment with R==4.1.3
AND install the IDF
package from CRAN.
The conda environment
can be activated via:
$ source /path/to/idf/plugin_env/bin/activate
to deactivate it, run:
$ conda deactivate